Not Just Warm and Cool Air – The Rise of the HVAC Expert in the COVID ERA

As indoor environment practitioners and mechanical systems experts, we’ve always held the position of educator, engineer, installer and the people you call in the middle of a blizzard or the night to fix systems. Typically, we are in the role of the problem solvers. Most of the “outside world” has viewed and perceived the HVAC industry as a very matter of fact and A to Z profession. When there’s an issue, call the HVAC company and they will fix the problem with a combination of two things – labor and parts.

The Transition
Recently the earth tilted on its axis, throwing us all for a loop with a pandemic the likes not seen since the early 1900’s. Suddenly there was a public cry worldwide for unique solutions to a relatively unique risk – the COVID-19 virus – one that illuminates the need for expertise in establishing, managing and maintaining indoor environments. The public no longer felt safe indoors where they live, work and commune. This challenge required a need to apply expertise to solutions that ultimately improved safety and health for the people that work, inhabit or visit indoor environments. This new light also allowed the general public to view these professionals as engineers, designers, technicians, innovators and problem solvers – which they’ve always been.

Why We Are “Burning the Midnight Oil”
As stewards for safe, healthy and productive indoor environments, the call for action was heard. We have always looked beyond simply delivering products and labor to ensure our clients received custom solutions that adequately reflects their specific environments. We have been tirelessly in pursuit of the latest, scientifically verifiable, know-how to this huge challenge. No two office buildings, schools, residences, warehouses or clients are alike, which is why applying our specific expertise to creating solutions from scratch is needed now more than ever.

Being Vigilant
We are entering a new age whereby an extreme focus on the air we breathe is looming large for all of us. The “new normal” will be here for some time, requiring a commitment to apply and maintain best practices to allow us to be both safe and productive indoors. We urge everyone to explore scientifically verifiable solutions. There is no silver bullet to shoot this enemy, but we are well stocked with silver buckshot if you need help. There may be no better time than to “Call in the Experts“.

The Dirty Facts About HVAC Maintenance

As we navigate the current COVID-19 situation, it may be surprising to learn that prior to the pandemic, a majority of property owners did not place a high level of importance on maintaining their HVAC systems. In fact, a brief survey of property owners would likely register a small yawn when approached with the topic, leaving all HVAC matters to be addressed only when service needs were an issue. However, as the world changed its view and began to look at the safety of indoor environments through the lens of COVID-19, the importance of HVAC maintenance is taking on an entirely different level of importance.

Almost overnight, COVID-19 infections caused our global population to care enough about air filtration to actually install an air filter over their face in order safeguard from infection. All of a sudden, the level of interest and concern about operating and maintaining HVAC systems became top of mind for millions worldwide. And, from this, we’ve expanded our interest from our personal spaces to the importance of how these often complex systems should be maintained in our shared spaces.

The dirty facts about HVAC systems is that most major manufacturers do not typically provide accessible guidance on system maintenance which can lead to premature equipment failure. And, without a sound recommendation on preventative care and routine maintenance, property owners run the risk of being denied under their warrantee coverage for insufficient maintenance.

A properly maintained system can save building owners on average15-20% of their current energy costs, yet the vast majority of systems are maintained inadequately due to the following circumstances:

  • Commercial systems are not being operated as the design engineer intended.
  • Unqualified or inexperienced HVAC contractors are not following the minimum industry consensus for standards of preventative maintenance.
  • Most building owners are not able to observe or verify maintenance tasks.
  • A majority of HVAC systems are failing to operate in accordance to building codes.
  • HVAC manufacturers do not offer training on proper preventative maintenance.
  • Filters maintained during preventative maintenance programs are being changed too early, leading to worse filter performance and increased costs.

Regular maintenance with a qualified, professional HVAC contractor has the ability to reduce the risk of a costly breakdown, premature equipment failure, and an increase in capital expenditures. Here are three things you can do today to begin this process:

  1. Contact Thayer, LLC at 1-800-649-4197.
  2. Talk with your teams about areas that you would like reviewed.
  3. Identify your goals for your HVAC systems.

Innovators Answer Challenge To PPE Availability

In response to a community plea for personal protective equipment (PPE) for first responders and front line health care workers, Thayer, LLC a local company specializing in HVAC solutions, answered the call in the typical Maine “can-do” way.
• Thayer was able to design and build a mobile PPE sterilization solution capable of processing 1000-3000 items per day.
• Two independent methods were used; oxidation and thermal remediation
• The unit was tested and ready for deployment on April 15, 2020
• Thankfully there has been no demand for the service although publicized indicating supplies of new PPE appears to be easing.

April 28th 2020, Auburn, Maine –

At the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in Maine several hospitals commissioned experts at the University of Maine to investigate and recommend practical and immediate methods to sterilize PPE for reuse. Simultaneously engineers at Thayer, a thirty-nine year old design/build/maintain HVAC and building automation company, were helping several of their hospital clients explore the same need, to sterilize PPE. Using their extensive experience in precision agriculture and biomed applications the Thayer Team designed a mobile unit capable of sterilizing 1000-3000 items of PPE per day. The UMaine Team recommended Thayer’s approach after studying the means and methods of the mobile unit designed. Rapid prototypes were fabricated and tested successfully at the Advanced Manufacturing Center in Orono, Maine immediately followed by construction of the operational, full-scale mobile unit. To date there has been no demand for the service. According to President and project engineer Dan Thayer, P.E., “this was one of the most meaningful projects we have ever tackled”. Thankfully the PPE shortage in Maine has subsided and there is little demand in the State. We are so incredibly proud of our Team. Not only does the performance exceed the design parameters but the quality of the workmanship and speed of production was unparalleled in our 39-year history. It’s the best project that failed financially”, says Thayer jokingly. Other markets have expressed interest in the mobile unit but for now remains on “stand-by” in Maine.
“The unselfishness, openness and collaboration of all involved with the project is a testament to the “can do” Maine spirit that characterizes our State. We are proud to be able to make a small contribution to the many on the front line providers in this COVID-19 pandemic. We will be offering this know-how to the many thousands of buildings needing to be made safe before reopening. Senator Nate Libby and the Team at UMaine cleared many obstacles and made our work much easier” opines Thayer.

Thayer, LLC Partners With Computrols

In 1981, father and son duo, Richard and Daniel Thayer started Thayer, LLC, a company specializing in refrigeration contracting. Thirty-nine years later they now have a full-scale mechanical contracting company with over 50 employees servicing both New Hampshire and Maine.

Providing top-tier customer service is at the core of Thayer’s business. On the building automation controls side, this was becoming increasingly difficult as their customers were coming to them frustrated that they were locked out of their systems or the systems were too complex to operate. Seemingly the only alternative was opting into large service contracts.

Earlier this year, the Thayers brought on Greg Marles as their new General Manager and COO with the goal of expanding their current business operations. Marles, with 35 years in the HVAC industry is well equipped to do just that.

Greg and his team quickly realized that the key to improving their customer service in their building automation department was to find a system that was simple enough to be operated by the end-user but did not require their customers to rip and replace all of their existing controllers. Computrols was that key. Their ability to host third-party controllers/protocols could put Thayer’s customers back in the driver’s seat and eliminate the pre-existing maintenance agreements.

When Greg discovered that Computrols integrated so well with third-party systems it was a game-changer for him. It meant that Thayer wouldn’t have to worry about future lockouts on service contracts and more importantly, it meant that their customers would no longer feel hand-cuffed by their system.

Since becoming an authorized distributor for Computrols in just the last few weeks, Thayer already has several proposals with local school, hospital, industrial, commercial, and municipal buildings with high hopes that they can offer services and solutions that no one else can.

Greg added, “Our customers were complaining to us about being ‘stuck’ and ‘frustrated’ with their existing control systems. We weren’t in a position to help them before, but now we can – thanks to Computrols.”

Comment from Computrols

Mike Clayton, Manager of Strategic Partnerships said, “What Greg and his team are doing in Maine is impressive. The number of projects they have Computrols in mind for already is exciting and we look forward to a long and excellent working partnership.”

Computrols | Building Automation Systems | HVAC Controllers | Distribution Partner


COVID-19 A Letter From Our President

March 30, 2020
Re: Winning The War Against COVID-19


To our valued clients, partners and colleagues:
The human race is experiencing one of the most serious challenges of modern history. Few were able to foresee the risk of a virus like COVID-19 to the world population and the speed at which a pathogen such as this could spread around the globe. Nevertheless, here we are in the midst of a war against an invisible enemy and it is time to focus the fight.
Our Team is Ready to Serve
Over our 39-year history, we have amassed valuable experience managing indoor environments for health, safety and productivity. Our first phase in this war on COVID-19 was to assure the safety of our Team so we can continue to serve you. We have the appropriate PPE and training to minimize exposure and our Teams are ready to roll. The HVAC service industry has been deemed an “essential service” in every State that currently has “shelter in place” orders including Maine and New Hampshire.
After this phase in the battle passes and people are returning to work, we will need to prepare buildings for the risks that will persist for months. If you wish to discuss feasibility of protecting your building occupants, please contact us so we can customize a program.
Availability of much of the devices and equipment needed has started to dwindle but there are still many measures that can happen immediately while we wait out lead times.
How Thayer is Fighting Back
Over the past several weeks we have been tireless and relentlessly studying everything we can learn about this virus and put together quite an armory of weapons to fight back. We have a significant and growing knowledge of COVID-19 modalities for spreading once inside the indoor occupied environment. The list of possible changes and improvements to the safety of occupants includes, but is not limited to the following:
• Increasing “dilution ventilation” rates
• Assuring or improving the quality of outdoor air used for ventilation
• Optimizing “economizer” operation
• Raising the indoor temperature and relative humidity levels
• Utilization of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)
• Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO)
• Upgrading air filtration to trap airborne pathogens
• Controlling building pressurization
• Optimizing directional airflow
• Sanitizing HVAC systems, spaces and surfaces using powerful oxidizers
Not all of these measures are feasible or advised for all buildings, though proper maintenance of equipment, such as frequent filter changes, can go a long way in trapping pathogens removing them from the airstream.
Translating our Experience with IPM into Fighting COVID-19
Our Lifespring Microclimates division has been designing, installing and maintaining precision indoor cultivation environments for nearly six years now. Oddly enough, these skills and experience come together in fighting COVID-19.
One of the biggest challenges facing indoor organically grown crops is pest management. The comprehensive approach is called integrated pest management (IPM) . The best line of defense in a IPM program is assuring the pest cannot get to the crop in the first place through engineered systems that either kill the pest(s) or prevent it from entering the environment. The comparison to human-occupied environments during this pandemic are quite similar. Our best line of defense is to prevent or minimize human exposure to the pathogen. Social distancing, quarantines, and PPE are all tools to minimize the pathways that may connect the pathogen to the new host. With the addition of measures regarding HVAC equipment, we can further minimize exposure of the pathogen to our building environments .
I personally make two promises to you. The first is that we will remain tireless in our quest to continue learning, sharing and serving you. The second is that we will not suggest any measure that has not been fully vetted and scientifically verifiable. We can share the data and science as appropriate.
We are “in it to win it“, as the saying goes, and together we will prevail.

Dan Thayer, P.E.
President & CEO
Professional Engineer
Certified Indoor Air Quality Professional