The Setting

Thayer, is a friend and partner of the town of Newmarket, New Hampshire, providing mechanical systems support and service to the community for several years. Last year, several municipal buildings within the town were outfitted with a new Siemens system, a large investment for the town but with high hopes that these systems would deliver quality environments for the staff in all six buildings.

Unfortunately, as is the case with complex mechanical systems, there were seemingly unfixable challenges that plagued many of the units, leaving facilities managers and staff frustrated and worried about the ability to maintain comfortable environments over the next several months. The Thayer Team, along with members of their new partnership group Computrols, assessed the situation and determined adjustments needed to be made to the controls in order to get back on track.

Proposed Solution

Thayer came in and offered a BACnet interface via Computrols Building Automation System. We presented our solution and demonstrated Computrols Building Automation Software (CBAS). The town’s facilities staff was instantly intrigued by this opportunity. Thayer would leverage all of the town’s existing Siemens field hardware by adding an 8-LX controller at each site and replacing Siemens Desigo software with a CBAS front-end.


This approach successfully enabled the customer to leverage their existing investment while getting a quality product and service. Thayer will continue with their three-year maintenance agreement with the town, including system support and upkeep, and is now in a position to assist with the facilities within the school system.


At Thayer, it’s not always as simple as heating and cooling; sometimes it’s about going the extra mile for our clients, for their teams (or chickens) and our community. As anyone who lives in our beautiful state can attest, winter in Maine is both beautiful and sometimes relentless, which is why our expertise often comes in handy at the most important times.

Last month, one of our favorite community members, Hillandale Egg Farm, was in need of assistance. A hydronic pump for their egg washing heating system was failing, and it would be weeks before a replacement would arrive.  To wait that long would significantly jeopardize their operations, not-to-mention their livestock.

Fortunately, this didn’t stop our team at Thayer from solving the problem quickly. At Thayer, we pride ourselves on a culture of experimentation and innovation, and thanks to Project Manager, Mike Klick, and technician Tyler Michaud, this was made possible.

Klick, a 38-year employee of Thayer, brought the pump to Thayer’s repair and manufacturing center and made the necessary modifications with his team. Once complete,  Tyler was responsible for onsite modifications and installation…and it fit perfectly into Hillandale’s system, saving both time and substantial loss. Klick remarks, “regardless of the client or situation, we’re a solutions-based team. Our first thought isn’t always what’s the easiest way, but instead to think outside of the box. In this case, it was about keeping our client’s most precious assets protected.”

Through innovation and forward-thinking, Thayer continues to strive toward continual improvement. In an era where the focus is on clean air, we can’t forget our company and our industry’s role in providing safety to our community.

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family and may we all stay together through these challenging and interesting times.